
3 Reasons To Try Making Yogurt At Home

Yogurt is a healthy and nutritious snack for the whole family. But did you realize that using only a yogurt maker, some milk and some yogurt from a previous batch (or some of your favorite commercial variety) you could be producing your own homemade treats in no time. In this article I will explain some of the reasons why you might want to consider making yogurt at home.
I think one of the best things about making it at home is being able to choose your own ingredients. You may not think this a big deal, but next time you're at the supermarket, have a look at some of the ingredients listed on the label. There's quite often preservatives, artificial colors, thickening agents and a bunch of stuff I've never heard of.
By choosing the homemade route you can leave all of the other stuff out. Just mix a starter culture in with your choice of organic milk, allow to ferment overnight then refrigerate before eating. Use low fat milk if you choose, or soy milk if you prefer. You might like to mix in a natural sweetener like honey. The point is you can add what you like and just as importantly, leave out what you don't like.
Another reason to make your own yogurt is to get your probiotics while they're still fresh. Probiotics are the 'good bacteria' found in most yogurt which are believed to be beneficial for us - particularly for the health of our digestive systems. Numbers of these microorganisms are at their greatest when the milk has just finished fermenting. By making your own yogurt, you'll be consuming these good bacteria within hours and will get the full benefit.
The third reason to make yogurt at home is that it's good for the environment - especially if you normally buy it in the single serve little tubs. By using your own yogurt maker you'll be able to wash and reuse the containers many times over. This means less packaging and therefore less garbage going into landfill. And if you still like the convenience of the single serve containers, some yogurt makers (like the Salton YM7) produce yogurt in small six ounce glass jars - the perfect size for a single serve.
So, in a nutshell, homemade yogurt is good for you and good for the environment, not to mention all of those tiny probiotic bacteria.

About the Author
Find out more about the Salton YM7 Yogurt Maker mentioned in this article or read more about making yogurt at home by visiting the author's website - Yogurt Maker Reviews.

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