Want serious weight loss for women but find you are constantly fighting an uphill battle? Our culture is one of stress and speed and women are under pressure to conform to society's idea of how they should look, it is a real recipe for disaster.
Everyone knows the key to successful weight loss for women is to eat a healthy balanced diet and exercise regularly burning more calories than you put in. The problem is that this information is very general and isn't going to optimize your weight loss.
Weight Loss For Women?
So you want to lose weight but you can't seem to find the time to do everything they teach us in the textbooks and on the television, well the truth is - you don't need to because not everything they teach you is essential.
You can view a short and to the point article entitled "Weight Loss For Women - 5 Things You Don't Need To Do!" by clicking the link supplied and discover some of the things that are commonly thought of a necessity when it comes to losing weight which aren't in fact necessary at all!
In the meantime let's have a look at 3 simple solutions to your weight loss problem which can be utilized by anyone, no matter how busy you are!
Weight Loss For Women - 3 Strategies For Stressed Out, Busy Women.
1.) Exercise LESS Often. (Yes You Heard Me Right!)
You may have fallen into the trap of listening to friends, family, the media or even the gym manager when it comes to how much you should workout. The truth is, if you have been working out more than 5 times per week and still not losing fat you're probably over doing it.
Three workout sessions each week of 30-45 minutes is more than enough to lose a ton of weight and if you have been making excuses that you don't have time to go to the gym after work and so you can't exercise at all then stop right now.
Gym sessions, although useful are certainly not essential for optimal weight loss for women - you can achieve all your weight loss goals by completing simple 30 minute workouts in the comfort of your own home with little or no equipment.
2.) Prepare Your Food Beforehand.
I pre-prepare all of my food for the day the night before and store each meal in a separate Tupperware container in the fridge ready to go when I rush out of the house, it is time for you to do the same. Preparing your food in advance will not only help you to avoid those sneaky candy bar snacks and poor lunchtime food choices, it also allows you to easily track your calories each and every day - plus, once you've packaged everything up it's convenient too!
I guarantee that you will start to eat far healthier more often if you use this strategy and that means your weight loss for women program will go from strength to strength.
3.) Eat Slower
Eating slow was never something I'd considered until fairly recently but it has made a massive difference to the amount of weight I've been able to lose. When you eat quickly you don't allow your brain to register that your stomach is full and you end up over-eating which means inevitably your weight loss for women won't be as successful.
Eating slowly helps aid digestion, you'll chew more and make it far easier for your stomach to break down the food when it gets there - it will also help you avoid indigestion and the bloating, heartburn and stomach cramps that go along with it. If you are a woman who wants to lose more weight this is a very simple trick you can put into your dietary lifetyle to help you do so.
These weight loss for women tips may seem overly simple but believe me they will make a huge difference to your results over time. Stop making excuses about being too busy to lose weight - make sure you have a quality women's diet plan and start incorporating these strategies into your lifestyle. When you do that you'll find that not only do you lose more weight but you feel better as well!
About the Author
Discover exactly how I managed to lose 51 pounds in just 102 days before my wedding, the easy way. You can lose this much or more too, whether you are busy or not by clicking this link ---> Fast Weight Loss For Women
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