
Discovering The Secrets Of Green Tea Health Benefits

When you think of miracles healing the body, you might not think that this is possible with a cup of green tea, but the fact is the Chinese have been enjoying green tea health benefits for over 4000 years. They have used this miracle cure for treating a whole host of ailments from headaches to depression. There are now various studies that are been done in Asia as well as the west that aim to give us irrefutable proof as to the amazing green tea health benefits. Green tea health benefits are largely due to the occurrence of catechin polyphenols, more specifically the epigallocatechin gallate or EGCG, which has a unique molecular structure. This EGCG is a strong anti oxidant that is capable not only of inhibiting the proliferation of cancer cells but also of eliminating them altogether. Moreover, they can do this while not adversely affecting or harming the good cells in any way. Recent research done by the University of Purdue concluded that green tea also contains a certain compound that prevents the cancer cells from growing in the first place. . Another green tea health benefit is that it lowers cholesterol levels and it also maintains the balance between the HDL (good) cholesterol and the LDL (bad) cholesterol. The EGCG substance can reduce the amount of clotting or thrombosis that occurs which will normally lead to a stroke or heart attack. How is Green Tea Different from other Teas? There are other types of Chinese teas such as black tea and oolong tea, which are all procured from the Camellia sinensis plant, which is also the source of green tea; however none of the other teas offer as many benefits as those offered by green tea. It is the process of steaming the leaves that gives green tea its magical health-giving powers. The steaming of the leaves of the plant keeps the EGCG from oxidizing and thus making it potent. The black tea and oolong leaves are fermented, which lets the EGCG oxidize and reduces its health benefits. Various Green Tea Health Benefits According to a study done in 1994, one of the advantages of drinking green tea is that it reduces the risk of cancer of the esophagus by as much as 60 percent. Fitness is also one of the green tea health benefits and drinking it can help you to burn more calories, which makes it great for those wanting to lose weight and get fit. Green tea is also useful in destroying bacteria and can even prevent food poisoning and reduces the amount of plaque on your teeth. This beneficial drink is most definitely a miracle cure that everyone should drink to remain healthy and fit.

About the Author
Dr. Kelly Smith is a chemist who has done several researches on indigenous crops and herbs that may be extracted to produce substances with alternative healing capabilities. Dr. Smith as he is commonly known built his own site www.green-tea-reviews.com with specific reviews for a more commonly known variety of tea which is green tea.

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