The master cleanse diet, originally developed by Stanley Burroughs, is a type of fasting cleanse in which has recieved a lot of attention from the media, natural health enthusiasts and even celebrities.
The master cleanse diet also known as the lemonade diet or master cleanse fast has been an extremely controversial cleanse in which it has had a lot of both positive and negative attention from both ends. Here you can learn both sides of the arguement and learn why those attempting the detox diet feel it is extremely beneficial to their well-being. Below are the listed master cleanse diet benefits, arguements and frequently asked questions answered.
The Master Cleanse Weight Loss - This diet allows for an individual to lose a significant amount of weight (often between 15-50 lbs) in a very short amount of time of around ten days or more. Notably much of this is excess water weight however many have claimed to lose this weight and keep it off permanenantly. How could this be possible you may ask? Well according to master cleansers, this diet is set up to "reset" your eating habits and break you of eating foods that are commonly bad for you. In addition, you also regain self control as you expel toxins and built-up bad stuff in your body. This "bad stuff" like food additives and toxins can cause weight gain and decreased metabolism and aging.
Many involved in the master cleanse also claim that they recieve a total body cleanse which removes toxins and heavy metals from their body. There has been much controversy as to the effectiveness of this process of detoxification. One thing is for certain though, you drink a lot of liquids during the cleanse, this alone can detoxify your body. In addition, the cleanse gives your body a break from excesses of protein (which can be toxic in large doses, and Americans have been known to highly abuse their protein intake), food additives, fats, food allergens, and other various things which your body either has a hard time breaking down or reacts badly to.
However, one of the master cleanse benefits cannot be argued. This is its ability to help someone identify food allergies that they may not know they are allergic to. During a "state of absense" from common foods we eat, over time, we allow our bodies to reset themselves. This leaves us wide open to feeling things that affect us more. Just like with anything else, if we succomb ourselves to something every day, we become accustomed to its affects. After the master cleanse lemonade diet, when a person returns to eating what they've always have, they can easily identify foods that cause them to have allergic reactions that they previously may not have known. Constant contact with foods that we are allergic to can cause all sorts of health problems and disease as it can weaken our immune system.
Argueably, many health officials believe it is not health to starve the body of protein and other various nutrients that are essential to our well being and anything this dramatic couldn't be healthy in the eyes of many. However, we do live in a culture of "over-indulgence" and may have lost sight of what is really considered "starving" ourselves. Throughout history, many cultures have used fasting for such things as detoxification, enlightening, and various religious beliefs. You may feel strongly one way or the other and in a sense, both sides are right, as it should be a matter of choice for those involved.
The master cleanse benefits from weight loss to detoxification to identifying common food allergies can always be argued however it is up to the person involved to make decisions that ultimately can effect their health.
About the Author
Read online on two great websites dealing with the Master Cleanse Diet Benefits and the Master Cleanse and Weight Loss.
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