
Weight Loss with Oolong (Wu Long) Tea

You can lose weight by drinking Oolong (Wu Long) tea. When accompanied by a lower calorie intake and exercise, you will soon see the difference it makes in how much weight is lost and how quickly the kilos come off.
Tea drinking alone will not necessarily help you lose weight, but adding Oolong tea to your diet will aid you in your weight loss. I love Oolong tea, and have been drinking it several times every day since moving to Taiwan. Since drinking the tea regularly I noticed that I have lost weight much faster than before, and with less effort. Now, whenever those extra kilos creep back on, I don't worry. I know that within a few weeks I can banish those kilos easily by including a little extra activity into my day, and watching what I eat.
Common principles in reducing weight include:
* Burn more calories - expend more energy, become more active, take the stairs instead of the lift, exercise more each week, participate in some form of weight training.* Reduce fat and carbohydrate ingestion - Eat less calorie rich food, and carbohydrates. Instead, eat more fruit and vegetables, watch how you cook your feed, eat more soups, salads and steamed vegetables.
Oolong Tea's weight loss properties are not all myth. Studies conducted in different countries have proven that the tea really does help people lose weight. This benefit was well known in China decades ago. A Chinese classical pharmaceutical book called the Bencao Shiyi (The Compendium of Materia Medica) explained that, "Drinking tea for a long time will make one live long to stay in good shape without becoming too fat and too heavy." More recent studies in Japan, China and the United States have backed up this statement. In one six week study a clinical test on 75 obese people between the ages of 22 and 68 resulted in 67% of the participants losing weight. In another study, Dr. William Rumpler, of the US Agriculture Research Services' Diet and Human Laboratory demonstrated that energy expenditure went up by almost 3% and fat burning increased 12%.
Oolong (Wu Long) tea is readily available in most supermarkets or health food stores. Adding a few cups of Oolong tea to your daily food and drink intake will help you feel better, look better, and lose weight.

About the Author
Rob West, tea connoisseur, has been living in South East Asia for 25 years, and has been drinking Oolong and Green tea for about as long. More information on Oolong Tea can be found at All About Oolong

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