
Top 10 Weight Loss Tips

There are no great secrets to losing weight. Why ARE we so overweight? Our society is creating a culture that promotes a hurried way of life, too much stress, poor eating habits and too little exercise.
You CAN be successful at weight loss with the right tools, the right attitude, and the right changes. If you want to lose weight in a healthy manner and keep it off, try the tips listed below.
1. Drink Plenty Of Water. Drink 8 glasses of water a day instead of soda or other sweetened beverages. Not only does water eliminate harmful toxins from the body, it speeds up metabolism, decreases the appetite, and enables the body to lose weight and burn fat more efficiently.
2. Eat Slowly. Never rush and never stand up to eat. By chewing your food slowly and completely, you will be better able to tell when your body is full. This will prevent you from overeating and feeling "stuffed" and uncomfortable. Your appetite will decrease and you will find yourself eating less at mealtime.
3. Eat Only at the Dining Room Table. NEVER eat in front of the television, while playing video games, or sitting at the computer. Mindless eating (when you do not pay attention to what or how much you are eating) will cause you to overeat.
4. Never Skip a Meal. When you skip meals, your metabolism slows down. However, when you eat regularly spaced meals, your metabolism increases. The most efficient way to jumpstart your metabolism each day is to eat a hearty breakfast consisting of protein, whole grains, fruit and vegetables.
5. Eat at Least 5 Servings of Fruits and Vegetables Every Day. Eating fresh produce on a daily basis provides many of the vitamins and minerals the body needs. If eating that much every day is difficult, experiment with vegetable soups, different ways to create salads, and fruit smoothies. Always try to eat as many raw fruits and vegetables as possible. Eating them in their natural state forces the metabolism to work harder than eating them cooked.
6. Eat Lots of Fiber. Foods that are high in fiber absorb the the calories associated with fats, sugars, and carbs. This speeds up the digestion process resulting in increased weight loss. The highest fiber foods are raw fruits and vegetables, whole grain cereals and bread, brown rice and wheat germ.
7. Limit White Foods. White-flour-based foods raise the insulin levels in our bodies, protecting stored fat instead of burning it off. To promote effective weight loss, you must control your intake of these foods. However, never try to restrict these foods entirely or you will become frustrated by the limitations. Frustration usually leads to reverting back to old eating habits.
8. Abstain from Eating After 7:00 PM. This is a major problem for most of us, the urge to do some mindless snacking in the evening when we are bored, stressed, or tired. If the temptation to eat in the evening becomes overwhelming, try some fresh fruit, celery with peanut butter, a fat-free yogurt, or a cup of herbal tea.
9. Get Enough Sleep. Your body cannot perform at its most effective unless it is well-rested. Lack of sleep can promote many health problems. If you have trouble sleeping, there are various techniques you can try, meditation, massage, yoga, taking a walk, or listening to soothing music. The key is to find something that truly relaxes you, forcing the problems of the day from your mind.
10. Exercise Every Day. You do not have to perform a brutal workout in the gym in order to benefit your body. The easiest and most effective exercise, regardless of fitness level, is walking. It can be done anywhere, anytime of the year, inside or outside. Find a friend to walk with or walk with music. Your only expense is a good pair of walking shoes.
No time to take a walk? Take the stairs at work instead of the elevator. Park your car in the farthest parking space. Run the vacuum with more vigor. Play catch with your kids. Ride your bike to work. Swim at the local YMCA. There are many ways to incorporate movement into your daily life. Use your imagination!
Losing weight requires dedication and persistence, but you can lose weight and live a healthier life by making some simple, gradual changes to your diet and lifestyle. Once you make those changes, you will be healthier, feel better, look better, and have more energy.

About the Author
Debra Gropp works on the Internet & writes articles pertaining to her interests; ways to save money, hobbies, sports, work from home information, and diet, fitness, and health-related information.

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